Yoda:   The very Republic is threatened, if involved the Sith are.
Yoda:  Hard to see, the dark side is. Discover who this assassin is, we must
Yoda:   With this Naboo queen you must stay, Qui-Gon. Protect her
Yoda:   May the Force be with you.
Yoda:   (Cont'd) Master Qui-Gon more to say have you?
Yoda:   A vergence, you say?
Yoda:   But you do! Rrevealed your opinion is.
Yoda:   Trained as a Jedi, you request for him?
Yoda:   Tested he will be.
Yoda:   Good, good, young one. How feel you?
Yoda:   Afraid are you?
Yoda:   See through you, we can.
Yoda:   Afraid to lose her..I think.
Yoda:   Eveything. Fear is the path to the dark side... fear leads to anger... anger leads to hate.. hate leads to suffering.
Yoda:   A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. I sense much fear in you.
Yoda:   Then continue, we will.
Yoda:   ...Correct you were, Qui-Gon.
Yoda:   Clouded, this boy's future is. Masked by his youth.
Yoda:   An apprentice, you have, Qui-Gon. Impossible, to take on a second.
Yoda:   Ready so early, are you? What know you of ready?
Yoda:   Our own council we will keep on who is ready. More to learn, he has...
Yoda:   And draw out the Queen's attacker.
Yoda:   Young Skywalker's fate will be decided later.
Yoda:   Train him not. Take him with you, but train him not!
Yoda:   May the Force be with you.
Yoda:   Confer on you, the level of Jedi Knight the Coucil does. But agree on you taking this boy as your Padawan learner, I do not.
Yoda:   The Chosen One the boy may be; nevertheless, grave danger I fear in his training.
Yoda:   Qui-Gon's defiance I sense in you. Need that, you do not. Agree, the council does. Your apprentice, young Skywalker will be.
  Always two there are....no more...no less. A master and an apprentice.
Yoda:   Feel like what?
Yoda:   Away put your weapon! I mean you no harm.
Yoda:   I am wondering, why are you here?
Yoda:   Looking? Found someone, you have, I would say, hmmm?
Yoda:   Help you I can. Yes, mmmm.
Yoda:   Ahhh! A great warrior. (laughs and shakes his head) Wars not make one great.
Yoda:   How you get so big, eating food of this kind?
Yoda:   (teasing) Aww, cannot get your ship out?
Yoda:   (retreating with the lamp)Mine! Or I will help you not.
Yoda:   Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is.
Yoda:   Ah, ah, ah!
Yoda:   Mine! Mine!
Yoda:   Mine!
Yoda:   No! No, no! Stay and help you, I will. (laughs) Find your friend, hmm?
Yoda:   Oohhh. Jedi Master. Yoda. You seek Yoda.
Yoda:   Mmm. Take you to him, I will. (laughs) Yes, yes. But now, we must eat. Come. Good food. Come.
Yoda:   (in the distance) Come, come.
Yoda:   Patience! For the Jedi it is time to eat as well. Eat, eat. Hot. Good food, hm? Good, hmm?
Yoda:   Not far. Yoda not far. Patience. Soon you will be with him. (tasting food from the pot) Rootleaf, I cook. Why wish you become Jedi? Hm?
Yoda:   Ah, your father. Powerful Jedi was he, powerful Jedi, mmm.
Yoda:   (irritated) I cannot teach him. The boy has no patience.
Yoda:   Hmmm. Much anger in him, like his father.
Yoda:   Hah. He is not ready.
Yoda:   Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained! A Jedi must have the deepest commitment, the most serious mind. (to the invisible Ben, indicating Luke) This one a long time have I watched. Never his mind on where he was. Hmm? What he was doing. Hmph. Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! A Jedi craves not these things. (turning to Luke) You are reckless!
Yoda:   He is too old. Yes, too old to begin the training.
Yoda:   (sighs) Will he finished what he begins?
Yoda:   (turns slowly toward him) Oh, you will be. You will be.
Yoda:   Run! Yes. A Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware of the dark side. Anger...fear...aggression. The dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will, as it did Obi-Wan's apprentice.
Yoda:   No...no...no. Quicker, easier, more seductive.
Yoda:   You will know. When you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.
Yoda:   (interrupting) No, no, there is no why. Nothing more will I teach you today. Clear your mind of questions. Mmm. Mmmmmm.
Yoda:   That place...is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go.
Yoda:   Only what you take with you.
Yoda:   Your weapons...you will not need them.
Yoda:   Use the Force. Yes...
Yoda:   Now...the stone. Feel it.
Yoda:   Concentrate!
Yoda:   So certain are you. Always with you it cannot be done. Hear you nothing that I say?
Yoda:   No! No different! Only different in your mind. You must unlearn what you have learned.
Yoda:   No! Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try.
Yoda:   Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you? Hm? Mmmm.
Yoda:   And well you should not. For my ally in the Force. And a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow. It's energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we...(Yoda pinches Luke's shoulder)...not this crude matter. (a sweeping gesture) You must feel the Force around you. (gesturing) Here, between you...me...the tree...the rock...everywhere! Yes, even between this land and that ship!
Yoda:   That is why you fail.
Yoda:   Concentrate...feel the Force flow. Yes. Good. Calm, yes. Through the Force, things you will see. Other places. The future...the past. Old friends long gone.
Yoda:   (shaking his head) Hmm. Control, control. You must learn control.
Yoda:   Mmm. Friends you have there.
Yoda:   It is the future you see.
Yoda:   Difficult to see. Always in motion is the future.
Yoda:   Decide you must how to serve them best. If you leave now, help them you could. But you would destroy all for which they have fought and suffered.
Yoda:   Luke! You must complete the training.
Yoda:   You must not go!
Yoda:   Yes, yes. To Obi-Wan you listen. The cave. Remember your failure at the cave!
Yoda:   Stopped they must be. On this depends. Only a fully trained Jedi Knight with the Force as his ally will conquer Vader and his Emperor. If you end your training now, if you choose the quick and easy path, as Vader did, you will become an agent of evil.
Yoda:   If you honor what they fight for...yes!
Yoda:   Strong is Vader. Mind what you have learned. Save you it can.
Yoda:   (sighs) Told you, I did. Reckless is he. Now matters are worse.
(looks up) No. There is another.
Yoda:   Hmm. That face you make. Look I so old to young eyes?
Yoda:   (tickled, chuckles) I do, yes, I do! Sick have I become. Old and weak. (Points a crooked finger) When nine hundred years old you reach, look as good you will not. Hmm?
Yoda:   Soon will I rest. Yes, forever sleep. Earned it, I have.
Yoda:   Strong am I with the Force... but not that strong! Twilight is upon me and soon night must fall. That is the way of things ... the way of the Force.
Yoda:   No more training do you require. Already know you that which you need.
Yoda:   (shakes his head) Ohhh. Not yet. One thing remains: Vader. You must confront Vader. Then, only then, a Jedi will you be. And confront him you will.
Yoda:   Mmm... rest I need. Yes... rest.
Yoda:   Your father he is.
Yoda:   Told you, did he?
Yoda:   Unexpected this is, and unfortunate...
Yoda:   (gathering all his strength) No. Unfortunate that you rushed to face him... that incomplete was your training. Not ready for the burden were you.
Yoda:   Remember, a Jedi's strength flows from the Force. But beware. Anger, fear, aggression. The dark side are they. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny.
Luke...Luke...Do not...Do not underestimate
the powers of the Emperor, or suffer your
father's fate, you will. Luke, when gone am I
(cough), the last of the Jedi will you be.
Luke, the Force runs strong in your family.
Pass on what you have learned, Luke... (with
great effort) There is...